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Michif Language Background Paper – Métis Centre @ NAHO

Métis Centre researcher Tricia Logan has recently returned from a month of Michif language instruction in Camperville, Manitoba. After spending all of July in a rustic cabin along the shores of Lake Winnipegosis, she now faces the challenge of not only hanging on to the Michif that she learned but also learning more through the ongoing process of language revitalization. Her teachers, Rita Flamand and Grace Zoldy, have offered to keep up communication with Tricia via email, phone, tapes and letters so she should have ample opportunities to become a stronger Michif speaker, over time.

That which does not kill you... only makes you want to throw things in the lake

I've been getting comments and questions about my health. Mostly concerning insect-borne west nile or lyme disease and various other ailments; sunburns, swimmers itch, the "fever", the rockin' pneumonia... People are thinking of me here in my rustic cabin by the lake. Wondering what is going to "get" me.

For those concerned, none of the above will probably kill me, though. It will not be the bugs, flora, fauna, my own misfortune or clumsiness (falling over a rock) that gets me.

What will be the death of me? Ironically, it will be technology.

Video camera, digital recorder, digital photos, DVDs, wireless internet, related software and laptop computers. These are all things I am fully equipped with here, yet the only technology on which I seem to have adequate training is the bbq lighter I start my citronella candle with. Even then, the coordination required for the tricky thumb-index-finger-child-proof thing is a little too much for me.

I have been granted an amazing opportunity here. I am able to listen to talented Michif speakers as they teach me their language - the language of their grandparents, tell me stories in Michif and teach me lessons that will be with me for a lifetime. Both of my teachers encourage me to learn and hope that I will pass on some of what I have learned. In the process, they hope I will record some of the language and stories so other people can learn from this experience.

Sadly, my desire to record the language and my ability to record it do not match up. I have, so far, resisted the urge to launch the above mentioned technology into the lake. However, I feel comfortable enough on my workplace website to say the thought of feeding the workplace camera to the pelicans did cross my mind.

Not to panic. All NAHO property is in excellent working condition and will be returned in that condition. I was making light and making jokes in order to retain some of my patience. Let's just say in a moment of desperation I may have offered a tech support employee my car in exchange for an IP address.

I hope he likes Corollas.


We welcome your comments; please feel free to email us at metiscentre@naho.ca